
The Allan Alexander MacRae
Memorial Library

Grace S. MacRae
about 1985

Women's Bible Studies
Grace MacRae

Library Type Author Title
Women's Bible Study of I and II Corinthians
*1 macraelib.ibri.org MP3 MacRae, Grace (Mrs. Allan A.)
Corinthians: 87Sep22 Introduction
How to Study the Bible
*1 macraelib.ibri.org MP3 MacRae, Grace (Mrs. Allan A.)
Corinthians: 87Sep29 ICor 1:1-6
*1 macraelib.ibri.org MP3 MacRae, Grace (Mrs. Allan A.)
Corinthians: 87Oct06 ICor 1:7-10
*1 macraelib.ibri.org MP3 MacRae, Grace (Mrs. Allan A.)
Corinthians: 87Oct13 ICor 1:9-25
*1 macraelib.ibri.org MP3 MacRae, Grace (Mrs. Allan A.)
Corinthians: 87Oct20 ICor 1:26-3:9
*1 macraelib.ibri.org MP3 MacRae, Grace (Mrs. Allan A.)
Corinthians: 87Oct27 ICor 3:10-4:21
*1 macraelib.ibri.org MP3 MacRae, Grace (Mrs. Allan A.)
Corinthians: 87Nov04 ICor 5:1-12
*1 macraelib.ibri.org MP3 MacRae, Grace (Mrs. Allan A.)
Corinthians: 87Nov10 ICor 5:12-6:20
*1 macraelib.ibri.org MP3 MacRae, Grace (Mrs. Allan A.)
Corinthians: 87Nov10 ICor 5:12-6:20
*1 macraelib.ibri.org MP3 MacRae, Grace (Mrs. Allan A.)
Corinthians: 87Nov10 ICor ??
*1 macraelib.ibri.org MP3 MacRae, Grace (Mrs. Allan A.)
Corinthians: 87Dec01 ICor 10:1-11:2
*1 macraelib.ibri.org MP3 MacRae, Grace (Mrs. Allan A.)
Corinthians: 87Dec08 ICor 11:2-12:11
*1 macraelib.ibri.org MP3 MacRae, Grace (Mrs. Allan A.)
Corinthians: 87Dec15 ICor 13:1-13
*1 macraelib.ibri.org MP3 MacRae, Grace (Mrs. Allan A.)
Corinthians: 88Feb03 ICor 12:1-11
*1 macraelib.ibri.org MP3 MacRae, Grace (Mrs. Allan A.)
Corinthians: 88Feb10 ICor 12:12-
*1 macraelib.ibri.org MP3 MacRae, Grace (Mrs. Allan A.)
Corinthians: 88Feb16 ICor 14:1-40
*1 macraelib.ibri.org MP3 MacRae, Grace (Mrs. Allan A.)
Corinthians: 88Feb23 ICor 15:1-34
*1 macraelib.ibri.org MP3 MacRae, Grace (Mrs. Allan A.)
Corinthians: 88Mar01 ICor 15:35-58
*1 macraelib.ibri.org MP3 MacRae, Grace (Mrs. Allan A.)
Corinthians: 88Mar08 ICor 16:1-24
Corinthians: and IICor 1:1-24
*1 macraelib.ibri.org MP3 MacRae, Grace (Mrs. Allan A.)
Corinthians: 88Mar15 IICor 2:1-4:18
*1 macraelib.ibri.org MP3 MacRae, Grace (Mrs. Allan A.)
Corinthians: 88Mar22 IICor 5:1-6:18
*1 macraelib.ibri.org MP3 MacRae, Grace (Mrs. Allan A.)
Corinthians: 88Mar29 IICor 7:1-9:15
*1 macraelib.ibri.org MP3 MacRae, Grace (Mrs. Allan A.)
Corinthians: 88Apr05 IICor 10:1-11:6
*1 macraelib.ibri.org MP3 MacRae, Grace (Mrs. Allan A.)
Corinthians: 88Apr12 IICor 11:7-12:2
*1 macraelib.ibri.org MP3 MacRae, Grace (Mrs. Allan A.)
Corinthians: 88Apr26 IICor 13
Women's Bible Study of Elijah and Elisha
*1 macraelib.ibri.org MP3 MacRae, Grace (Mrs. Allan A.)
Elijah and Elisha: 89Sep19 I Kings 16:29-17:16
*1 macraelib.ibri.org MP3 MacRae, Grace (Mrs. Allan A.)
Elijah and Elisha: 89Sep26 I Kings ??
*1 macraelib.ibri.org MP3 MacRae, Grace (Mrs. Allan A.)
Elijah and Elisha: 89Oct03 I Kings 18:40-19:21 Partial Recording
*1 macraelib.ibri.org MP3 MacRae, Grace (Mrs. Allan A.)
Elijah and Elisha: 89Oct10 I Kings 21,22,II Kings 1:1-18
*1 macraelib.ibri.org MP3 MacRae, Grace (Mrs. Allan A.)
Elijah and Elisha: 89Oct24 II Kings 2:15-3:27
*1 macraelib.ibri.org MP3 MacRae, Grace (Mrs. Allan A.)
Elijah and Elisha: 89Oct31 II Kings 4
*1 macraelib.ibri.org MP3 MacRae, Grace (Mrs. Allan A.)
Elijah and Elisha: 89Nov07 II Kings 5:1-6:7
Women's Bible Study of the Book of Revelation
*1 macraelib.ibri.org MP3 MacRae, Grace (Mrs. Allan A.)
Revelation: 91jan15 Introduction
*1 macraelib.ibri.org MP3 MacRae, Grace (Mrs. Allan A.)
Revelation: 91jan29 Rev 2:12-3:13
*1 macraelib.ibri.org MP3 MacRae, Grace (Mrs. Allan A.)
Revelation: 91Feb12 Rev ??
*1 macraelib.ibri.org MP3 MacRae, Grace (Mrs. Allan A.)
Revelation: 91Feb19 Rev 6:1-17
*1 macraelib.ibri.org MP3 MacRae, Grace (Mrs. Allan A.)
Revelation: 91Mar05 Rev. 8:10-9:21
*1 macraelib.ibri.org MP3 MacRae, Grace (Mrs. Allan A.)
Revelation: 91Mar12 Rev. 10:1-11:12
*1 macraelib.ibri.org MP3 MacRae, Grace (Mrs. Allan A.)
Revelation: 91Mar19 Rev. 11:15-12:17
Women's Bible Study of the Books of Galatians and Colossians
*1 macraelib.ibri.org MP3 MacRae, Grace (Mrs. Allan A.)
Galatians: 88Sep20 Gal 1:1-10
*1 macraelib.ibri.org MP3 MacRae, Grace (Mrs. Allan A.)
Galatians: 88Sep27 Gal 1:10-2:10
*1 macraelib.ibri.org MP3 MacRae, Grace (Mrs. Allan A.)
Galatians: 88Oct04 Gal 2:11-21
*1 macraelib.ibri.org MP3 MacRae, Grace (Mrs. Allan A.)
Galatians: 88Oct11 Gal 3:1-14
*1 macraelib.ibri.org MP3 MacRae, Grace (Mrs. Allan A.)
Galatians: 88Oct18 Gal 3:15-4:20
*1 macraelib.ibri.org MP3 MacRae, Grace (Mrs. Allan A.)
Galatians: 88Oct25 Gal 4:21-5:15
*1 macraelib.ibri.org MP3 MacRae, Grace (Mrs. Allan A.)
Galatians: 88Oct25 Gal 5:13-26
*1 macraelib.ibri.org MP3 MacRae, Grace (Mrs. Allan A.)
Galatians: 88Oct25 Gal 6:1-18
*1 macraelib.ibri.org MP3 MacRae, Grace (Mrs. Allan A.)
Colossians: 88Nov22 88GM09-Col.aif Col 1:1-23
*1 macraelib.ibri.org MP3 MacRae, Grace (Mrs. Allan A.)
Colossians: 88Nov22 88GM10-Col.aif Col 2:4-2:??
*1 macraelib.ibri.org MP3 MacRae, Grace (Mrs. Allan A.)
Colossians: 88Nov29 88GM11-Col.aif Col 3:1-4:1
*1 macraelib.ibri.org MP3 MacRae, Grace (Mrs. Allan A.)
Colossians: 88Dec06 Col 4:1-18

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Last updated Aug, 2022; page created Dec 24, 2008   -   Update Log